Tuesday, March 3, 2009

sipping little flower dirty water<3

life since my birthday week has been an absolute mess. between batteling colds and ungodly school work i have become extremely exhausted ( i've fallen asleep two days in a row before 10!) i keep telling my self two more weeks until spring break. thank god for tea, that and the fact that i actually love what im learning about has helped smooth all wrinkles. adrian and i went and made our own tea's, i made mine with(amungst other things) hybiscus for color and ginco for memory, and adrians with st johnswart and lemon grass to help depression and stress. even though i feel like i need that tea more than he does. i feel so spread thin with school, i'm an english major with more art credits than anything else and a continuouse curiousity for everything besides english. but thats probably because there are zero english classes. i wish there was time and money so that i could be a filmphotographyartenglisharthistory major..there is humanities but you can't even be a teacher with that..and that is the only thing i have right now as a future plan. bof!

1 comment:

  1. johnswart and lemon grass

    sounds necessary for my jumbled up life momentarily lol

